
Carter Criticizes U.S. for Withholding North Korea Aid

SEOUL, South Korea — Former President Jimmy Carter, after a 48-hour visit to North Korea, sharply criticized the United States and South Korea on Thursday for their refusal to send humanitarian assistance to the impoverished North, saying their deliberate withholding of food aid amounted to “a human rights violation.”

Mr. Carter, who was not traveling on behalf of the United States government, had been invited to North Korea for discussions with senior political and military officials as a way to perhaps ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula, which he said were “at rock bottom.”

Mr. Carter, 86, traveled with two other former presidents, Mary Robinson of Ireland and Martti Ahtisaari of Finland, and former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland of Norway. All four are members of the Elders, an independent group of world leaders established by Nelson Mandela.

Mrs. Robinson echoed Mr. Carter’s concerns about what she called the “very serious crisis” over food supplies in North Korea because of a harsh winter, severe flooding and an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. She said the withdrawal of American and South Korean food shipments had aggravated the already-dire situation, which had become, she said, “a matter of life-and-death urgency.”

Dr. Brundtland cited a lack of running water in hospitals, even in maternity and pediatric wards, and a deep shortage of what she called “essential medicines.” She said a third of all North Korean children were stunted because of malnourishment, which “also permanently affects their brain development.”

Mr. Carter and his group had asked to meet with the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-il, but they were rebuffed. On their way to the airport Thursday, the group was called back to the guesthouse where they had been staying in Pyongyang, the North’s capital, for what they were told was an urgent message.

They were greeted there by Kim Yong-nam, the head of the North Korean People’s Assembly, who read them a written message from Kim Jong-il. Mr. Kim’s letter told the visitors that he was amenable to a summit meeting with Lee Myung-bak, the South Korean president.

“He sent word he’s ready to negotiate with South Korea or the U.S. or with the other five powers on any subject at any time and without preconditions,” said Mr. Carter, making reference to the other members of the so-called six-party talks that focused on the dismantling of North Korean nuclear programs. The six-party process ended in 2009 when North Korea withdrew.

Mr. Carter and his group were also denied a requested meeting with Mr. Lee, the South Korean president.

South Korea has insisted that North Korea apologize for the sinking of a warship, the Cheonan, which killed 46 of its sailors last March. The apology has become a precondition before South Korea will hold substantive bilateral talks with the North.

North Korea has denied any role in the sinking, and Mr. Carter said Thursday that senior North Korean officials told him they would “not apologize or admit culpability for the Cheonan incident.”

The North Korean officials did express to him “their deep regret” over the deaths of the sailors as well as two civilians who were killed during a North-South artillery exchange in November, Mr. Carter said.

Mr. Carter said he was disappointed not to have won the release of an American man, Eddie Yong-su Jun, who was detained by North Korean authorities last November. Mr. Carter said that he and the other Elders had signed an appeal for Mr. Jun’s release on humanitarian grounds but that it was rejected.

It has been reported that Mr. Jun entered North Korea on a valid business visa but was detained for inappropriate or illegal religious activity. Mr. Carter said Mr. Jun had not been officially charged by the authorities, a status that complicated his release.

Mr. Carter said the Swedish ambassador in Pyongyang had visited Mr. Jun four times and had reported that he was being treated well. Because the United States has no diplomatic relations with North Korea, its interests are sometimes represented there by Sweden.

On Thursday, Mr. Jun’s family issued an open letter to North Korea to appeal for the release of “our loving father and husband.”

The letter said that Mr. Jun had medical issues and that “We strongly doubt that our father’s health can withstand the stress of a trial or further detainment.”

“Therefore, we beseech his release as an act of humanitarianism that your nation can bestow upon him and our family.”


