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Philosophies regarding social media networks, such as Twitter, can vary greatly. But similar to email, an unspoken etiquette has emerged for these social websites as well. The etiquette for these social sites does not consist of hard and fast rules, but is simply a list of guidelines for posting. The following is a set of Twitter etiquette guidelines, but can also be applied to other social networks...
To create an RSS feed in Bing, conduct a search, and at the end of the URL from the search results screen add the following text: &format=rss
The IBM Press Room lets you create custom RSS feeds that combine several categories. To create a custom feed, select categories below
RSS2Java source for easily adding RSS feeds to your website. The The service is free of charge. A JavaScript code will be generated and needs to be plugged into your website.
Information overload is less about having too much information and more about not having the right tools and techniques to filter and process information to find the pieces that are most relevant for you. This presentation will focus on showing you a variety of tips and techniques to get you started down the path of looking at RSS feeds in a completely different light.
Filtering RSS Feeds
Malatya is a new rss directory for blogs and RSS feeds.
New Feed Directory - FeedFairyFeedFairy.com is an easy to use and free RSS feed directory. Just submit your RSS feed and FeedFairy.com will publish and distribute it for free.
Pros and Cons for Web TemplatesSmall retail businesses who are making the move to an online presence may feel overwhelmed by the process of creating a website. Web templates can often help make the process less painful for a small business. To assist webmasters in the template vs custom design decision, we have outlined the pros and cons to each...
Pros and Cons for Web Templates
Podcasts offer a great way to learn and stay on top of just about any topic. In the classroom, students can listen to podcasts as a group and add their own comments and questions to the program. Make podcasts an integral part of your classroom experience with the help of this collection of podcasts.
80 Podcasts for the Classroom
How to Submit Podcasts to iTunes Music Store
Whenever you buy a brand new product right when it hits the market, the safety of that product is always a concern. That is particularly true when the product, like childrens toys or a new car, can have a direct impact on the health and safety of your own family. Rather than trying to constantly check for any recall announcements for every single product you’ve bought that could pose a safety concern if it malfunctions, it is much easier to just sign up for product recall RSS feeds and then just keep an eye out for any recall alerts that might affect you.
The 8 Best Sources For Product Recall RSS Updates
14 Tips to Make the Most of RSS FeedsAs a busy digital marketer, I live or die by feeds. Feeds keep me up to date and push my content, fast. And as a blogger, I similarly depend on feeds to keep me informed and spread influence.
To be successful you need to be more than simply informed -- you need to be a thought leader and agenda-setter rather than another voice in the echo chamber. But feeds are at a disadvantage on this front, as a headline that appears on a feed must have already been written about.
The goal then is to use feeds, as quickly as possible, to ensure that you're among the first writing about a topic.
14 Tips to Make the Most of Feeds
Diggs unpopular version 4 redesign last summer has put a big damper on the sites traffic, but the Digg team has come around and started to make changes that are helping to bring users back. The latest smart move: banning RSS feed submissions. No longer can every single post from a site be auto-submitted to Digg via RSS.
Digg Bans RSS Submissions
Splush enables editors to share with their audience, real-time updated content from partners, friends or favorites information sources. A dynamic blogroll and multimedia access make RSS Feeds accessible to all without any technical constraints.
Splush is also FeedAds : the first ads service of sponsored links 2.0 where traditional statistic links are replaced by more attractive ones updated in real time, with direct link to content and multimedia.
Looking for RSS Tools or Podcasting Tools?
The Internet has become a highly interactive medium. In order to participate in discussion forums and newsgroups, it is important to be familiar with standard and accepted Internet forum etiquette. Here are some tips to help make your forum participation more productive and beneficial...
1. Terms-Of-Service
Read the forum rules and terms-of-service before you begin posting. This way, you can avoid having your introduction to the forum being an accidental breaking of a rule or other misconduct.
Forum Etiquette
Dapper is a tool that enables users to create update feeds for their favorite sites and website owners to optimize and distribute their content in new ways.
Importance Of Good Headlines For Feed SubscribersContrary to what you may think, people who subscribe to your feed aren’t necessarily reading your articles. In most cases your posts will be competing with a large amount of content, some of which may be very similar to your own.
I do almost all of my reading through a feed reader and there is a habit I’ve picked up which I think is symptomatic of most feed subscribers. With so many new articles popping up in my feed reader every day I can not possibly read all of them to completion. I tend to prioritize by title, then skim a little, and if my curiosity is peaked, the article gets my full attention.
Increase RSS Subscribers
30 Simple Ways to Gain RSS SubscribersBefore creeping into the ways, you must also remember that your content must be really good as Content is the King. It is recommended to read the following few posts which will help you to shape your self in terms of contents and its promotions,
Increase RSS Subscribers
RSSMore is a free rss screensaver that lets you subscribe to any number of RSS/XML feeds and view them in your rss screen saver.
Digital Sound Effects is a new portal that contains thousands of sound effects. The Digital Sound Effects collection contains royalty free sound effects that can be used as introductions, extros or a background in any digital audio or video productions including podcasts. The Digital Sound Effects website contains a wide array of sound effects that range from realistic car crashes with screeching brakes to soothing nature sound effects.
Each sound effect is available as a download in a zip file. The zip file contains the sound effect in an MP3, Wav, and WMA format. All effects contained on digital-sound-effects.com are all royalty free which means they can be downloaded and used without the broadcaster having to pay royalties for the use of the sound effect. The broadcaster or publisher pays a single fee and are able to use effects in any capacity that they choose.The sound effects can be used on websites, podcast productions or in any other format.
Digital Sound Effects
Three Ways to Prevent People From UnsubscribingGetting traffic to your blog and turning your visitors into loyal readers requires a lot more than just writing new blog posts. What you must do is create an environment so people want to return, and if you can turn them into RSS subscribers, then you will be that much more powerful. Sometimes when we make our content pages we can easily look sight of the fact that we are not really making them for us, we are making them for our visitors and site readers. Ok, we want you to get some RSS subscribers because it can be very helpful to have them, and we would like for you to continue reading so you can find out some great approaches for doing that.
3 Ways to Stop People From Unsubscribing
Delightfulblogs is a human-reviewed blog directory where you can promote your blog to get more traffic.
Are you looking for a tool to automate the submission of RSS feeds? Checkout RSS Submit
Coming up with ideas for new blog posts on a regular basis can be a challenge, even for the most prolific writers. Experience shows that readers tend to favor certain types of posts more than others. Here are some popular types of blog posts that you might want to use for those times when inspiration simply does not strike.
Tips for Blog Posting
What is Hot What is Not in Technology for 2011What is Hot
1. Virtual Cloud
2. Mobile Apps
3. Virtual Technology
4. Connectivity
5. Scalability
What is Not
1. Privacy
2. Social Noise
3. Transparency
4. Regulation
5. Land Lines
Read more about What is Hot and What is Not in Technology for 2011
Motivational Quotes of the Day RSS
RSS and RSS Readers Alive and WellI agree:
A brush fire has been swirling through the blogosphere of late over whether RSS is dead, dying, or possibly severely injured and in need of assistance. It seems to have started with a post from UK-based web designer Kroc Camen that got picked up by Hacker News and re-tweeted a lot. The flames were fanned by a blog post from TechCrunch that drove RSS developer Dave Winer into a bit of a Twitter frenzy. But is RSS actually doomed, or even ailing? Not really. Like plenty of other technologies, it is just becoming part of the plumbing of the real-time web.

complete article
FeedStomper - Turn an overactive feed that clutters up your RSS reader into a regular, once-a-day summary feed.
rss2email is a small Python utility that sends out nicely formatted emails from RSS feed postings. Why would you want such a thing? Well, many people still use email as their primary communications tool and don’t want to be bothered with RSS. Also, if you are on the go and are using a mobile device, it is often easier to be buzzed by push email than it is to configure a mobile RSS reader.
Generate An Embeddable Widget From RSS Feeds using Feed Wind. You can easily keep in touch with a site through its RSS feed. But what if you want another sites updates to appear on your own blogs or websites?
Reminder: New years is a great time to prune your RSS feeds that have grown excessively long!
Best Way to Consume News in 2010We consumed a lot of news in 2010. But how did we consume it? On your tiny iPhone screen? Hopefully not. The best way to consume news this year was in a socially curated, real-time fashion with big pretty pictures and video.
Best Way to Consume News in 2010
Ten newsroom New Years resolutions for 2011It is time for our annual list of things your newsroom needs to do online. Some of these are repeats – and that’s because they’re still relevant to many newsrooms. There is no pie in the sky stuff here; just steps you should take that are relatively cheap and painless. Happy New Year from Lost Remote.
1. Build a mobile version of your site.
2. 2. Get an app version of your site.
3. Do a Skype video remote.
complete list of 10 Newsroom Resolutions
10 Useful RSS-Tricks and Hacks For WordPressLets take a look at 10 useful, yet rather unknown RSS-tricks for WordPress. Each section of the article presents a problem, suggests a solution and provides you with an explanation of the solution, so that you can not just solve some of your RSS-related problems but also understand what you are actually doing. Thus, you can make sure your WordPress theme remains under your control and is not bloated with some obscure source code.
10 Useful RSS-Tricks and Hacks For WordPress
Methods to Aquire RSS SubscribersRSS or Really Simple Syndication has become a primary way to gain new subscribers and grow your list. The best way to get a larger RSS subscription base is to follow the three tips below.
There are different kinds of tools you can use to encourage people to subscribe to your RSS feed. Here we are referring to the MyBlogLog Widget and how it can help you increase your subscribers. You would be surprised at the percentages of people who will respond favorably to a request to perform some kind of desired action. There are a number of reasons why they may have not including a lack of knowledge about how to do it, or what they need, etc.
Methods to Aquire RSS
- RSS Specification Feed created by FeedForAll
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