
Cisco's axing of Flip had an additional casualty: the unnannounced FlipLive streaming camera

 By Sean Hollister posted Apr 14th 2011 11:28PM So Flip Video's last offering wasn't terribly amazing, but we had faith that the USB pocket camcorder would get back to its simplistic roots -- you know, until Cisco axed the whole division, along with 550 souls. Well, the truth is that the company was indeed working on something rather cool, and though we'd only heard whispers until now, the New York Times' David Pogue says the day after Cisco brought down the guillotine is when the FlipLive was due to hit shelves. It would have been a livestreaming camera, connected with WiFi to the cloud, allowing users to share johnny-on-the-spot videos with the entire world in real time. Instead, the camera and its little red button are off to that great big server in the sky.


